Saturday, July 25, 2009

Get In To Beautiful Agony

Children No More - Andrea Vivaldo

There's a war taking place daily in the streets, alleys, under the crossings at traffic lights in cities around the world. Can not be fought with no weapons or bombs, this new world war, but with an invisible army of small ragged beggars, the maimed and tortured, whose only real enemy is our respectability, our compassion, our love of an ignorant penny bestowed casually. That condemns them to imprisonment in a chain that ends in bloody, fat and repulsive, hangs a dirty trough in which s'ingozzano pigs captors. There a war taking place daily in the streets, alleys, under the crossings at traffic lights in cities around the world. A silent war: the worst.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Personality Disorder Parody

Strike important


Monday, July 13, 2009

Does Cervical Mucus Taste Like

Chronic Absence - Andrea Grieco

Chronic Absence . Absence infinite heavy, burden that oppresses like a boulder on his chest. Especially if - in hiding - it is he (or those) who should, instead, be more present, more alert, more attentive than anyone else. Why is lacking, the decline in the betray the expectations of the child is a snap. A brief moment that will condemn them to chase ghosts feeble life, suffocated in the loops of horrific emotional umbilical cords that bind them - forever - a ghostly simulacrum of parents and impassable zombies.