Thursday, November 29, 2007

What Is Mod Shop In Pokemon Emerald L

The Secret (The Secret) - subliminal message?

I have seen and read the advertising you are doing the book and the movie "The Secret" (The Secret).

I have not read the book and I have not seen the movie, but reading many comments from people who have done it, I realized how many bisognevoli to believe in something, they are easily influenced.

Almost all excited. He was the secret of happiness, are said to have finally found something that changed his life: # reviews

me there is a doubt, that is behind the writing of the book, there is simply the use of self as a cue to write a work that, by the positive feedback in the short term, have a great momentum propaganda to market a good product. But, worse still, that a "subliminal message" hidden, there may be behind an operation to pursue a mental control of the population, now in exasperation, with the illusion that he had found the panacea in the secret of the book, forget the political and economic situation in which they live ....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Interesting Store In Nyc


Watch video:

Perhaps it is true that reality than fiction!

I published a book "InsidiĆ²sus Decurrere," the sci-fi plot, which is hypothetical hybrid experiments on the cloning of the human body, with tragic implications and end with the hope that scientists Instead of chasing these hypothetical experiments may in future develop a kind of vaccine that interferes with human feelings, eliminate those with malignant character.

I found out today, the occurrence of events leading to the hypothesis that something similar, though different in substance, could be in trials :

During a scientific research conducted to be followed in the said book, I came across within: "Chemtrails."

Intrigued, I studied and found here: that referred to the "chemtrails". Deadline as opposed to contrails of commercial aircraft, or, The white trails that leave the planes with their passage. These are a normal chemical and physical phenomena, presumably harmless to our health. The former, however, the chemtrails could hide secret and unlawful activity for purposes of war, military or otherwise, for the climate control and areas involved in acts of war and more. There seems to be a project called " Haarp", a research program created to study the properties of the ionosphere and advanced technologies applicable to radio communications in the field of defense , the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), coordinated by the Navy and the air itself and considered the core of the "Star Wars" launched under the Regan-Bush administrations in the 80s.

Among the various possible applications of "chemtrails" , I pause to highlight those that affect the trend discussed in my book and I found in the web page:

where among other things, specifies that

The long white trails other than contrails have started setting up the first suspect as to their nature as far back as 1998.

Following their massive presence in the sky, the inhabitants of a Canadian citizen, Espanola, began to suffer health problems such as lethargy, severe joint pains, memory loss short-term , Respiratory disorders, symptoms of depression or flu-like. Some people, seriously concerned about what was happening on their heads and their health, commissioned its own costs of laboratory testing on samples of water and snow of their homeland. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of amounts of particulate aluminum 20 times the recommended limit for drinking water.

Just the ' aluminum that binds mainly to DNA, is deposited particularly in the brain, where it causes damage to cell neurorale creating headaches and memory disorders.

In my book, dreaming, I hope that with surgery or vaccines, could be inter neurorali cells to change their feelings in order to eliminate those ill-natured.

In fact we find that perhaps, without any surgery or vaccine, we have come to act on the population, causing disturbances in memory (as in science fiction movies " Men in Black", where the service men special, with a fake pen, emitted a blinding light that caused the loss of memory of the person affected by the light).

However, Canadian residents who have stumbled on those events, does not seem to be characters in a fiction book, nor that they were making a movie ... ... ... ... ....

Friday, November 16, 2007

Signs Of Pregnancy In Urdu

Parliament also dealt with the problem "seigniorage."

12.06.2007 At the sitting of the House of Representatives:

( )

Meeting Agenda No.3 had to discuss the "seigniorage", but the President gave suffered "negative opinion";

The Honorable Teodoro Buontempo, asked to speak by saying could not expect that no, in speaking of the "seigniorage" and that there was a sort of hypocrisy and shame in not wanting to ever deal with this problem, as there was a fear, a fear. Even to discuss it. Yet he said that few knew that the judiciary had ordered the Bank of Italy to compensate citizens who had appealed against the "seigniorage." That was the news that remained secret and did not know .... Unfortunately

Hon. Buontempo could not go further because the President interrupted him by saying that had only one minute. After a little disappointed by the Hon. Buontempo who complained of having only a minute to talk about it, The President put to the vote the Order of the Day # 3, with the contrary opinion of the Government.

Result of vote: "The House rejects".

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Informator Miasta Lwowa 1900

Architectural barriers?

Architectural barriers are another problem, which is also the son of greed that we have within all of us.

With the advance of progress, we move further and further from our consciousness.

The thirst for success and that to improve our economic condition, leads us to reject any form of solidarity with others, to have fellowship and humanitarian principles and values \u200b\u200bto keep healthy. Our

sensitivity only when it comes to certain issues affect us personally or our loved ones or investing.

Among other things, does not help to improve, all advertising and television programs, which we are daily bombarded by the media.

Perhaps we should start from there, and we suffer from the messages we receive from all sides.

Maybe we should question the sociologists and psychologists tell us (it would be better to impose us) what messages to send and what not, to try to recover that which now seems lost consciousness.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Heather Harmon's Friend

6,000 deaths per year due to road accidents.

letter and mail to BG:

Sorry if off topic, but 6000 seems to me so many ... too many!

6,000 deaths per year due to road accidents.

Among the many petitions fully shared, you can put a bill to "calibrate" the maximum Km / h to 130 vehicles on public roads? ( the limit of 150 km / h while being required by law in certain highways, to date has not been adopted by any motorway operator), and to install in urban areas of "limited" speed that interact with the control units of vehicles, limiting their speed according to the needs of road safety?

Statistics in 2003 state that every day in Italy there are an average of 617 road accidents, which cause the death of 16 people and wounding 874.

Overall, in 2003 were detected more than 225 000 road accidents, i which death 6000 people, while others have 320 000 sustained injuries of varying severity.

The investigation revealed that the percentage of 95% ause of c, is due to the misbehavior of the driver driving of the vehicles involved.

Notwithstanding the fact that it is necessary to discourage young people to take drugs that alter the physical and psychological effects, particularly for those who must get to drive, we must not forget that there are other causes of deaths in traffic accidents, among which, high speed, which is in third place among the misconduct required to drive a vehicle.

considers that it is totally rejected, and therefore useless road signs indicating speed limits, we should not adopt another strategy to continue to have every year 6,000 deaths in road accidents.

that vehicles should be put into circulation on public roads, do not come to pass also 300 km / h, as is currently allowed , but were "calibrated" at least for the maximum legally allowed, and since 75% of accidents occur in urban roads where the number of deaths is over 40% of the total, the manufacture of vehicles, instead of building vehicles that go faster and faster, with modern technology could also find a system that interact face the units of vehicles, with "limited" to be installed in urban centers, which regulate the maximum speed that the safety of local roads, street to street and from time to time imposes. (Perhaps placing the limitation, instead of or alongside the cameras already installed at strategic points).

Meanwhile, for those who wish to experience the thrill speed, vehicle factories, sponsored by municipalities, may encourage the initiation of motor racing circuits, to make them run inside, in maximum security for all.

Unfortunately, this is perhaps another "utopia." This proposal meets with many interests, starting from the automobile factories that are competing by building vehicles faster, and finally to local authorities who, with cameras positioned at strategic points, they fatten their coffers.

Then only thing left is to hope that among those 6,000 dead year one day there are also the name of our loved ones .....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ruger 10/22 Wooden Stocks

Satanism and Freemasonry?

I found the recording of the television show "Enigma" of 27/02/2004

( ) transmitting a video where it was said that among other things:

"" "Maurizio Blondet, taking a trip Investigative search of the hidden sanctuaries of power esoteric and demonic, describing it in a disturbing essay, he writes that every year a group of leading bankers, financiers and friends gather around a tomb of a major bank (we refer to Enrico Cuccia - legendary father / owner of Mediobanca) , to attend a Mass in Latin. This bank was so important that, according to Blondet, its influence in Italian politics was the whole team in the sense of dissolution of any kind of faith and value. The said tomb is the place where the nun had been buried heretical Gugliemina Bohemia, regarded by his followers, even the female incarnation of Christ's body. Blondet also reveals that the elite bank would been linked to the heirs of some important representatives of the Young Turks, who with their revolt put an end to the Ottoman Empire. The Young Turks, in turn, were linked to the Masonic Lodge in Thessaloniki and were mostly Jews Marranos, tied to a particular sect derived from the heresy of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. According to Zevi, the true faithful, was to throw himself headlong into evil, go all the way to the abyss, beyond the gates of impurity. According to Blondet, this heresy Sabbatian would still influential followers in a prestigious publishing house willing to editorial epochal battle against the threat of secular skeptic par excellence. Blondet continues telling Financiers of large, brilliant intellectual, philosophical and Bankers. A powerful world, made powerful that wander around dismal tombs, secret rituals and esoteric rituals. "

After watching the video, interviewing the guest conductor of the transmission in the study: Professor Cecilia Gatto Trocchi, which confirmed to make his argument as described in the movie. Professor, says she studied the esoteric and the occult, and have discovered a long-running (people) who have gone from esoteric Marxism, seeking to evoke the forces of evil, more powers of knowledge, wisdom and also to intervene in the world. Professor was said totally skeptical about the forces of evil, but were convinced, however, that Bankers, High Finance, etc., who came together and made pacts with the devil, and that everything arose from Freemasonry deviated.

I hit a lot of preparation Prof.Cecilia Gatto Trocchi, but above all I was impressed with how much force defended his rational skepticism.

So I did a search to see the book she had written and had a bitter surprise:

I found the news that Professor Cecilia Gatto Trocchi on 11/07/2005 had committed suicide by throwing himself 5th floor window. They wrote that the

Cecilia Gatto Trocchi was suffering from a severe depression because of the untimely death of his son, Massimiliano Gatto, died in June 2003 due to a fulminant leukemia immediately after getting out alive from a terrible car accident.

sincerely regrets for his death and that of his son, I could not help but notice a discrepancy in the dates: June 2003

dies the son of Professor Cecilia Gatto Trocchi;

02/27/2004 Professor was a guest in the TV "Enigma" on RAI 3, and there seems depressed at all, indeed, it is very quiet and combattiera;

11/07/2005 suicide of Professor (wrote: for depression following the death of her son) .

Monday, November 5, 2007

How Do You Catch A Shiny Eevee

Global Check?

There is a hypothesis that begins to drift around the world, which sees the existence of an overall, worldwide, implemented by a group of people who were placed on top of everything and everyone;

That this could be initiated through the advent of the privatization of major central banks around the world, with the assumption of control by a limited group of shareholders who, with the "seigniorage" perpetrated on all citizens, have made and continue to make huge enrichment;

How strong the power that flows into the money, have achieved economic control of the States and then also the Political / Judicial;

that wars, terrorism, famine, certain viruses, organized crime, intelligence services diverted, Lodges and Freemasonry secret, satanic cults, and whatever ' more, may have been born, or otherwise controlled by the same minds, and be used for your purposes ;

That to prevent anyone being able to perceive this reality, may have devised a mind-control on the population, including religions, UFO sightings and even satanic rites;

That having also reached the control of the media , do publish and broadcast news programs and that contribute in some way to divert the interest of the public on other issues;

that these "people" can manage through the control of Freemasonry secret locations around the world who descended in a pyramidal hierarchy, until you get to a lower level to treat the area locally

David Icke said he was convinced that wish to complete their design, microceppando entire population, to keep it under control. In fact, if we look good, this control already exists without microchips. A trivial example: all purchases and withdrawals with credit cards are registered, every supermarket has its own card and all purchases we make are registered (they can also know what toothpaste or toilet paper we consume and how many times we go to the bathroom) There are cameras everywhere and our presence is recorded every time you pass under it. Not to mention telephones, internet and satellites. And if one day all this contamination occurs in one computer? (Or maybe this is happening already!). For those with a clear conscience would contribute only a little discomfort, and may be fine for checking the legality and public order, but if these means were used for other purposes?

Speak and write these things to believe and say, you may go through visionary (and if it were true, it would risk something more!) it is best avoided for now subscribe to these schools of thought and ask you: What do you think?