Friday, December 19, 2008

If You Swallow Listerine

In the heart of the war - Stefano Arici

begin with a tribute to No More Children Stefano "Aro" Arici.
The title says it all: In the heart of the war , the damn war, beyond all reasoning, more or less delirious, the virulence and the geographical location always reaps the same damned, small and innocent civilian victims. Never ever cursed the enemy, never over the damn fence, do not ever shake any damn weapon.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What To Wear Initiation

glare del Sol

n'aver fear of the dark sunsets et
other does not know it
of preludes et ante et d'Albe
though the aurora often appears slow

never let
overcome distrust men so that when you expect your pupils

that early nerve ciecavan
in the glare from sol
gently tell brillavan

(Ignazio Gaetano Saglimbene)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Csr Bluetooth Window 7

again for new blood

After decided

all said enough;

Empty the heart

clear your mind;

radiated past vicissitudes,

banned future misfortunes;

to delight your heart filled

first fruits of the mind enlightening

Repudiating skepticism

batting enthusiasm


recuperar freshness

evict hesitation

overflow security.

(Ignazio Gaetano Saglimbene)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Can Periods Be Late If You Have A Stomach Virus

"Noah's Spaceship" to put "someone" rescued on Mars?

I continue to wonder why governments continue to spend so many billions to make shipments in space, building robots that are sent on distant planets to see if the same exists or has existed some form of life;

I wonder why the billions spent on the other hand are not boost agricultural production - food - health, to feed and treat the people of the so-called third world

I also wonder why "someone" have thought about building a superbanca seeds, to contain the seeds of three million varieties of plants from all over the world. A sort of "ark of the Apocalypse", where store for the future, agricultural biodiversity, funded by major multinational giants-: ;

Finally, I wonder if that is not "someone" fearing an unhappy future for our beloved Earth, has taken the example of Noah, to program future shipments on habitable planets, bringing with him on the "Ships of Noah," also all varieties of seeds and plants that have been careful to preserve.

If so, there would be little to be cheerful. This would mean that there would be some time before the 'Apocalypse' and on that 'ship of Noah ", to leave time to rescue the Earth and on Mars, there would be room only for those "someone" .

Monday, July 28, 2008

Crazy Things Sororities Make You Do

attachment to St. Anthony's testimony in this long line that winds at the end of the procession for a personal tribute to the saint.

Radeon 9200 Family Agpdrivers


Last night the view was beautiful.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Island Def Jam Internships

we clear the "debt"!

Open Letter

For the sake of more poor, the weak and the less poor, less weak and all the next generation, which will be part of the children and grandchildren the vast majority of the population and not Italian, (with the exception of very few "families" ...),

should strive to try to solve a big problem, the evil of evils, that is dragging us all almost in poverty.

This issue that I would call "the evil and ever ", in my opinion is nothing but the" Public Debt ".

In the years and decades ahead, it will multiply, making it necessary to continuously increase and proportion of taxation on taxpayers, reducing them poorer.

I wonder if it might be possible, for example, that to remedy this situation, representatives of the Italian people, from national sovereignty, may issue a decree to restart the old coinage of the Mint and to print on behalf of the ITALIAN STATE many fine bucks from 500 thousand pounds, as many as needed for the equivalent in euro of the Italian public debt (Or if you wish, with the issuance of the new European currency), and then send them to the European Central Bank, owner of our public debt, the balance and resetting the same?

After all, the central banks (private), on their own, they have made print for just pennies, pieces of paper (notes) and we have them trimmed indebtedness of their nominal value, render him liable of the total and the annual interest leavers.

many cards (bills) would print The Treasury on behalf of the Italian State, to set Codest debt and annual interest payments at all clear that the State pay to the Central Bank (private).

may seem a silly example, naive, ignorant. One might respond that it is not feasible thing, which clashes with existing legislation, international agreements, which would lead to a clash with the European Community and that we could leave the euro zone, or you could take the reports of assets and liabilities the state budget with the detail of Bot, BTP, CCT and so on, forming part of the Public Debt, which are in possession of private citizens engaging in other words, the whole question. By

four fast stones with bare hands, is apparent that the largest slice of the debt was contracted with the central banks to issue notes for circulation in the territory for trade.

paid the bill with the Central Bank, trade with other could continue to print bank notes made by the State or with the electronic money in the future is surely intended to replace the paper.

We would get out of Europe? Well, go ahead alone, but not for long, because soon other countries are queuing to us and slowly re-formed a new Europe without being choked by the Public Debt to central banks (private).

I have no illusions that some representatives of the nation implement this example, at least I hope that my open letter to serve as a starting point to properly publicize the problem, because I believe that most people ignore it altogether, hoping that in the future with a wider audience aware of seeking to resolve this issue, Our representatives, will decide to work hard to find an appropriate solution.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Best Way To Cover Popcorn Ceiling

Tasmanian Tiger - resurrecting his genes - NOW LIVES AGAIN IN A MOUSE

(From "La Repubblica" 20/05/2008)

"" "The experiment : has managed to collect the DNA Tiger and to isolate a single gene - this gene is responsible for the formation of a protein essential for bone and cartilage.

The gene was inserted in some lab mice and has started working normally.

proteins produced in the body of the rat are identical with those produced in the body of the Tiger. "" "

People who have read the book " Insidiòsus Decurrere ", leafing through the newspapers of yesterday May 20, 2008, the title above to see repeated, perhaps as I have heard grab the skin.

In a previous post with a little stretch, I was approaching to the alleged effects of "Chemtrails" with the mental and physical impairment in the events described follow one another in the novel "Insidiòsus Decurrere" risk of looking like a rabid "conspiracy" (which although I would not share fully in what they think, say and write, so I do not feel it behind them absolutely).

In this new event, I do not need forcing to approach this experiment to those reported in that book and a strengthening of the belief that the events described in imaginative "Insidiòsus Decurrere" if you do not run for cover, might soon be realized in all their drama.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Viper Filmstream Cost

obtain loans, and mortgages, has never been easier!

Field of Miracles of Pinocchio has expanded and the Cat and the Fox were organized.

According to the advertising we are bombarded daily by all media, no one should have more money problems. For anything you need, just ask and you bring them back home:

  • Funding for real estate, cars, motorcycles, vacations, travel. etc.. etc.. etc.. etc.. etc.. ... ....!

  • Buy today with a budget and start paying it in a year!

  • loans, personal loans, mortgages and loans on terms very favorable!

  • If you have multiple funding under way, you can replace them and pay only one installment with the smallest possibility of also receiving new cash!

  • You can decide to alter the payment amount, change the duration of the loan installment and skip a delay payment without penalty!

  • delivery of the amount financed at home all over the country!

  • Loans to protest, foreclosures, bad payers!

  • fixed rate mortgage, variable, balanced. Until 120% of property value!

  • Request a credit card and get a cash prize of up to 3,500 euro now at your fingertips

But we must not forget one important thing: that " lend his umbrella when the sun is shining , but They want him back when begins to rain. " Even worse if, as expected, there will be storms. Before the rains came and the storm approaching, you must return the umbrella or they will be, by any means "legalized" who will take it back up over your heads, and do not care if you needed to repair, your children or your grandparents, the law will allow him to do so anyway.

therefore perhaps be better to face the rain looking for alternative shelter, rather than to borrow an umbrella from modern "the Cat and the Fox."

Imagine if, for an opening event, there are not borne out (if not all) part Revenue allow you to pay several mortgages and loans that have requested to contract with any form of advertising tempting to purchase products after looking back, maybe they would have done without.

Who gave you credit, will have nothing to fear, because you will begin to seize products in your possession, beginning with the properties, continuing with cars and motorcycles, and ending with appliances and anything else in your possession.

thereby avoiding this "hood" that makes us live with less and serenity that results even less freedom. We already have a debt that takes away a good percentage of freedom. Yes, the public debt that no one has the contract and that everyone (in all its biblical sense) must pay interest for life. Why is there no people in the world that to pay interest on public debt (but if we all have a debt, creditors who are these lucky?). It's best to stop, because the argument becomes much more complex and ... ...