Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Best Way To Cover Popcorn Ceiling

Tasmanian Tiger - resurrecting his genes - NOW LIVES AGAIN IN A MOUSE

(From "La Repubblica" 20/05/2008)

"" "The experiment : has managed to collect the DNA Tiger and to isolate a single gene - this gene is responsible for the formation of a protein essential for bone and cartilage.

The gene was inserted in some lab mice and has started working normally.

proteins produced in the body of the rat are identical with those produced in the body of the Tiger. "" "

People who have read the book " Insidiòsus Decurrere ", leafing through the newspapers of yesterday May 20, 2008, the title above to see repeated, perhaps as I have heard grab the skin.

In a previous post with a little stretch, I was approaching to the alleged effects of "Chemtrails" with the mental and physical impairment in the events described follow one another in the novel "Insidiòsus Decurrere" risk of looking like a rabid "conspiracy" (which although I would not share fully in what they think, say and write, so I do not feel it behind them absolutely).

In this new event, I do not need forcing to approach this experiment to those reported in that book and a strengthening of the belief that the events described in imaginative "Insidiòsus Decurrere" if you do not run for cover, might soon be realized in all their drama.