Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Unlock Number Lock Of Vip Skybags

Four chat with ... Isoke Aikpitanyi

Isoke Aikpitanyi founder the first halfway house run by former victims
Thursday, 13 January 2011 17.30 - Santa Maria Gualtieri
"Girls in Benin City"
Trafficking of new slaves from Nigeria to the sidewalks of Italy
Presents: Laura Maragnani - journalist

girls in Benin City, "The first time you go on the way to go to work in a panic. I remember the way. I remember the sidewalk. I remember my shame of being there with clothes absurd. And waiting.
remember waiting for someone to come and make me a sign from the window. I still remember the voice of the first who called me, and my voice that answered no, no, no. "

So begins the book "Girls in Benin City," (Melampus Edition) written by Laura and Maragnani Isoke Aikpitanyi, Nigerian girl trafficked.

Laura Maragnani Panorama journalist, always takes care of civil rights, social exclusion and minorities. It is also the author of numerous literary works.

Isoke Aikpitanyi born in Benin City, has arrived in Italy in two decades. She had been promised as the other work of a shop. Hath been found like the others to live in slavery. Now he lives in Aosta, where he is building the first shelter for street girls in Nigeria. Isoke Aikpitanyi founder of the first halfway house run by former victims

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why Is Lap Band Surgery Not Covered By Ohip?

Four chat with ... Luigi Pagano

Luigi Pagano administrator to penal institutions
Lombard talks to David Ferrario director
Thursday, December 16, 2010 17.30 - Santa Maria Gualtieri
"Freedom behind bars
Life, pain, hope
coordinates: Vincenzo Andraous - tutor of the Community House of the Young"

My Blood "Many years ago I met Andrei Vaijda, the great Polish director, in a conversation at the table and told me to tell a story must be at least one of these two basic elements: a love story, or at least relations, or search for something. Often the two things coincide. I believe that my blood is guided by this golden rule because it tells a story relationship between a father and a daughter who does not have hardly ever known - and a search, which is the search for oneself through a journey in which these two characters
have never faced before, begin to look at, to smell and gradually get to know ... "

The director of" all fall down "," Look, "" After Midnight "and" Blame Judas "presents" My Blood, "his new novel.

Louis Pagano , long director of Milan's San Vittore prison, now the new superintendent to penal institutions Lombardi said the problems and difficulties in getting an institution of repression with thousands of prisoners.

Davide Ferrario begins his work as a director in 1987 with the short film "Do not feed the animals" and in 1989 he directed his first "The end of the night." In 1991 he directed the documentary "Away from Rome" on the Northern League, broadcast by RAI, in 1995 and manufactures and together with Guido Chiesa's documentary "resistant material.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Denise Milani Black Nylons

Four chat with ... Marco Delfiol

Marco Delfiol writer talks to Paolo Papotti researcher
Thursday, December 2, 2010 10:30 am - Cairoli Institute
"Travel InterRail in "
Europe and how to find themselves in a few weeks
Coordinator: Gloria Ghioni - blogger" CriticaLetteraria "

From Morocco to the North Cape If your goal is not only a goal , but crossing places and meet new people, take your time and do not leave home without this guide. Ten train routes in Europe - from Scandinavia to the Iberian Peninsula, from Eastern Europe to the Balkans (with two raids in exotic Morocco and Turkey) - and all the tips and information that you should know before you travel: how InterRail does, the chief among the cheap tickets for trains, such as a backpack and tent to choose, but also how to find the best places to spend the night or those with little to eat and have fun.

Delfiol Marco was born in Florence in 1975. Coordinator of the site, is director of the "Travel and Freedom", which promotes travel traveling as a tool for understanding and peaceful coexistence among peoples. Photographer reportage, concerts and live events, he published the book "Air Theseus. History of an airline Florentine "(Gan Editions).

Paolo Papotti was born in Rome in 1978. In 1997 he founded, the largest Italian site dedicated to independent travel. Author of novels and short stories, including "D414" (Fernandel) and "Like when the train moves" (Messenger Publishing), lives in Rome where he worked as a researcher at the University Roma Tre.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Businessweek Or Economist

Four chat with ... Don Gallo

Don Andrea Gallo founder of the Community of St. Benedict according to the Port
Thursday, November 18, 2010 17:30 - Loft 10 Square Cavagnero
"on earth as in heaven"
Its cathedral is the way, its teachers, prostitutes, bums, toxic Presents: Don Franco Tassone - pastor of St. Mauro

on earth as in heaven The Gospel according to John Gallo - Don Andrea Gallo, the priest from the sidewalk decades working with and for the last and resumed his personal stories collected in " angelically anarchist." Through the stories and meetings that punctuate her days take a position on liberalization of drugs, concerning the illegal immigrants, on the hypocrisy of politicians, the state of abandonment faced by the psychiatric cases on the issue of living wills after the meeting with Beppino Englaro, signing the deed to purchase land in Vicenza and prevent the expansion of U.S. base on the financing of the timing of viados Genoa big and small stories of prostitutes, transsexuals, victims of trafficking, drug addicts, and homeless crazy people passing in his shabby vicarage. Stories often a happy ending, often tragic, but rare human consistency.

Don Andrea Gallo, a priest since 1959, has for decades worked in Genoa and the latter, the dispossessed, the marginalized, exceeded the age of 80, after "Angelica anarchist" (2005), today presents "So in the earth, as in heaven, "the stories, encounters and reflections of a past life always on the side of the weakest. Since 1975 is organized and run by the Community of St. Benedict according to the Port, a group of border intervention and specialized care for people with mental and physical situations, promoter and co-founder, in 1982, with the Gruppo Abele Don Luigi Ciotti of CNCA - National Coordination host communities.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Kicker Solo X For Sale

Four chat with ... Ettore Mo

Ettore Mo special correspondent of the Corriere della Sera ", author
Thursday, 11 November 2010 17 hours , 30 - Loft 10 Square Cavagnero
"Far from here"
Stories of ordinary pain from the periphery of the world
Presents: Linda Lucini - journalist

Going away from here the places from which he took his first steps as a correspondent, the author guides the reader to the dark side of the earth. He is accompanied by an exciting excursion to show the darker dramas of humanity: the poor people of Monrovia to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve to the cemetery, drinking, eating and sleeping next to the graves of the dead, many Mexican immigrants that chasing the dream America will reach the legs are cut off from freight trains, and the inhabitants of La Oroya wrapped in an apocalyptic dust of lead, zinc, arsenic and sulfur emitted by the "Foundry of death" at the center of town, the massacre of civilians in the Tamil land, the shantytowns of Caracas and the terror of the Cuban Revolution of children fleeing from reality, impoverished and without an escape. Told in first person, halfway between memoir and reportage, "Far from here" is the painful and moving account of a lifetime devoted to the trip that ended with a great lesson: the blood shed on the battlefields of course it never gets better of history, until it changes the hearts of those who fight.

Ettore Mo for twenty years has been special correspondent of the Corriere della Sera ", and continues to travel the world in search of stories to tell. Rizzoli has published the "dirty war", "Gulag and other hells", "Kabul", "The Forgotten" (all available in Bur), "Trains," "Rivers" and "But even melancholy.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Birthday Invitation Rap

Four chat with ... Massimo Teodori

Massimo Teodori journalist, politician, writer and historian
Thursday, November 4, 2010 17:30 - classroom Scarpa University
"Pannunzio, politician and journalist"
Life of an intellectual of the twentieth century
Presents: Dino Messina journalist

Mario Pannunzio (1910-1968) One of the founders of the Liberal Party Italian (1944) and the Radical Party (1955), Mario Pannunzio, the greatest interpreter of intellectual liberalism, secular, democratic and reform of the twentieth century, has played since the forties of last century a courageous act of civil renewal in Italy in the early decades after the war, still backward, suspended between modernity and underdevelopment, economic ambition and pockets of clericalism. He exercised a wide influence in advance with the newspaper "liberal Risorgimento" (1944-1947) and then with the weekly "The World" (1949-1966), considered - for unanimous opinion - the best newspaper in Italy, workshop of the minds great deal to the late twentieth century.

Massimo Teodori, professor of American history and contemporary art, works in newspapers, radio and national television. One of the founders of the Radical Party in 1956, was Member for the Radical Party from 1979 to 1992 is distinguished by the battles over civil rights and against corruption. Author of over thirty books including the subject of American Studies "Damn Americans" (2002), "Blessed America" \u200b\u200b(2003), "Telling America, two centuries of Pride and Prejudice" (2006), "History of the United States and the American political system" (2008), and anti-totalitarian subject: "Marco Pannella, a liberal heretic in the crisis of the Republic "(1996)," The anti-democratic Italy. Liberals and socialists who said no to Stalin and Togliatti "(1998)," Nicola Matteucci, a Liberal uncomfortable "(2007)," History of the laity and clergy in the Italian Communist "(2008), and" Against the clergy. From divorce to a living will, the great challenge of the laity "(2009). Pannunzio's biography, published on the centenary of his birth, is the latest chapter of a research on the history of secular democratic in Italy. He has won numerous awards and the Jewish community awarded him the first Italian, the "golden Menor" to have promoted the "Israel Day".

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Do Guys Pleasure Themselves

Four chat with ... Raffaele La Capria

Raffaele La Capria writer and essayist
Thursday, October 28, 2010 17:30 - Aula Magna University
"St. Elsewhere"
Since the time of the memory of suffering
Presents: Gian Franco Lavezzi - professor of Italian literature
Introduced by: Marco Galandra - Councillor for the Municipality of Pavia Municipal Libraries

St. Elsewhere A book of feelings and thoughts that accompany the life that passes quickly and shortens the time that my distance from the predictable end. Urgent applications that can not be answered, you are turned away, in a "distraction vigilant, even when you read the newspapers. No, it is no longer an age of peaceful wisdom of our age, but the way the world works, the affections, the general statement, is an age of anxiety, fear and alarm. However, this is the book of convalescence, the "beautiful day escaped to the bad weather", a return to life after a bypass: a writing is also "open heart".

Raffaele La Capria (Naples, 1922) with "mortally wounded" won the Strega Prize in 1961. He settled in Rome in 1950, after being in the immediate postwar period, one of the leaders of the journal "South". RAI Director, writer, is considered one of the most important Italian writers disenchanted and an interpreter of contemporary life, with particular reference to the events of his hometown. A significant selection of his work was included in the Meridian Works (Mondadori 2002). Among his most important texts in the field of fiction and nonfiction include "Cupid and Psyche," "One day with impatience," Napolitan graffiti "," The fly in the bottle, "" The style of the duck "," L 'lost harmony, "" Last journey in Lost, "" Love inquiry "," guappo and other animals. " E 'employee of the Corriere della Sera. "

To watch a short excerpt of the event:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Womens Volleyball Cameltoe Shots

Four chat with ... IX edition

YEAR 2010/2011

The cultural exhibition "Four talk with ... ", organized by the Public Library of Pavia with the sponsorship of the Public Library, offers in its ninth edition a busy schedule of events that offer the public a thoughtful examination spaces where it is held that there of persons, not intended as isolated individuals but in their human relationships.
The project this year took into consideration these places bivalent manner, just to emphasize how the social can time to develop favorable conditions in the areas of pain and discomfort : in meetings that have way to attend the end of October 2010 to the end April 2011 then you will find stories related to aspects of fervent intellectual vitality as newspapers, publishing houses, schools, artistic creation, the charm of the past, the representation stage, spirituality, the integration of other cultures, the experience of trip, along with allegations of the drama and suffering related to imprisonment, illness, domestic violence , communities recovery and the exploitation of women , the wars, ethnic prejudices to, isolation marginalized communities.
As always at hand to lead the public in making contact with "places of life ... the places of the soul" will be personality first the literary and artistic level not only nationally but also foreign countries, we are honored to welcome you in our city: reading program that we present below shows how the show always keeps a high profile.
conclude by wishing all future participants good listening and good reading while I am grateful to all the local who have contributed in various ways to enable the implementation of a program so difficult: the staff and employees of the Library Bonetta, the University of Pavia, High School Nicholas Copernicus Technical Institute Bordoni, Volta Technical Institute, the Institute of Science Cairoli, the CLU library, the Library Loft 10, the Teatro Fraschini, the Library University, the Diocese.

Best wishes to all, Marco
Municipal Councillor for Libraries - City of Pavia

The ninth edition of the program:
(click to enlarge the poster)

Raffaele La Capria writer and essayist - Thursday, October 28, 2010 17,30 Aula Magna University
Presents: Gian Franco Lavezzi - professor of Italian literature
Introduced by: Marco Galandra - Councillor for the Municipality of Pavia Municipal Libraries

Massimo Teodori journalist, politician, writer and historical - Thursday, November 4, 2010 17:30 Scarpa University classroom
Presents: Dino Messina -
journalist Ettore Mo
special correspondent of the Corriere della Sera, the writer - Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 17, 30 Loft 10 - Piazza Cavagnero
Presents: Linda Lucini - journalist

Don Andrea Gallo founder of the grassroots communities of San Benedetto al Porto - Thursday, November 18 2010 17.30 Loft 10
Presents: Don Franco Tassone - pastor of St. Mauro

Marco Delfiol writer - discusses the with Paolo Papotti researcher - Thursday, December 2, 2010 10:30 am Cairoli Institute
Coordinator: Gloria Ghioni - blogger" CriticaLetteraria "

Luigi Pagano administrator to penal institutions Lombard - discusses the with director Davide Ferrario
Thursday, December 16 2010 17.30 Santa Maria Gualtieri
coordinates: Vincenzo Andraous - tutor in the Community House of the Young Pavia

Isoke Aikpitanyi founder of the first halfway house run by former victims
Thursday, January 13 2011 17.30 Santa Maria Gualtieri
Present: Laura Maragnani - journalist

Adil El Marouakhi , Mondinsieme Intercultural Centre, Municipality of Reggio Emilia
Thursday, January 20 2011 10.15 St. Thomas Hall L1
Presents Stefano Maggi - Professor of Classical Archaeology

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 9 am and 11 am Institute Bordoni - "wild dreams in the night"
Thursday January 27, 2011 at 9 am and 11 am High School Auditorium Copernicus - "A mass grave in the air"
Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 21 Santa Maria Gualtieri - "Melody of exile"

Sandro Lagomarsini has opened an after-school care for children of mountain farmers
Thursday, February 3, 2011 17.30 Santa Maria Gualtieri
Presents: Gipo Anfosso - teacher engaged nell'associazionismo

Paolo Di Stefano journalist writer - Thursday, February 10, 2011 17:30 Scarpa University classroom
Presents: Anna Modena - Professor of History publishing

Gianni Biondillo architect - Michael talks to a writer and music critic Monin
Thursday, February 17 2011 17.30 Loft 10
"Ring Roads" - Two hikers on the edge of the city
Coordinator: Marianna Bruschi - journalist

Marino Magliani writer and translator - writer talks to Vincenzo Pardini
Thursday, February 24 2011 17.30 Santa Maria Gualtieri
"Ghosts of the Apennines" The emigrants, peasants, pastoralists, the haunting landscapes of rural populations ghosts
Coordinator: Mino Milani - writer

Bros artist - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 17.30 Santa Maria Gualtieri - Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 10 am High School Copernicus
"Non-image" - metropolitan suburbs and street art
Presents: Frank Porreca - historical and contemporary art criticism

Lamine Sonko Keba Senegalese poet and wise man - Thursday, March 10 at 10 am Institute Volta
"Stories of the village between the earth and the sky" The words that lives in Africa
Presents: Pier Francesco Damiani - Comitato Pavia Asti Senegal-

Mario Isnenghi historian and essayist - Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 12 Borden Institute
Presents: Arianna Arisi Rota - professor of the history of contemporary Italy
Thursday, March 17, 2011 Exhibition hours 17 Teresiano University Library
Presents: Marina Treasury - Professor of Contemporary History
"The places of memory of unified" The hundred and fifty years of the Unification of Italy

Giuliano Scabia writer, poet, playwright - Thursday, March 24 2011 17.30 Reduced Teatro Fraschini
"In the forests of writing"
Presents: Roberta Gandolfi - a professor of entertainment

Giuliano Turone former judge - March 31, 2011 17,30 Aula Foscolo University
"Coffee of the Shroud" - a financier adventure between politics, the Vatican and the Mafia
presents: Vittorio Grevi - Professor of Criminal Procedure

Jesuit theologian Father Bartolomeo Sorge - discusses the world with Mr. John Smith Bishop of Pavia
Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 21 Cathedral
"From the Temple of the road" The crossing of the Church after the Council
coordinates: Vittorio Grevi - Professor of Criminal Procedure

Carla Cerati photographer and writer - Thursday, April 14 2011 17.30 Santa Maria Gualtieri
"Beyond the Threshold" The mental picture of "Dying Class"
Presents: Bruno Rainaldi - designer

Philip Ticozzi director - Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 11 am High School Auditorium Copernicus
"When the monster is in the house!" Violence against women between platitudes and silences
Presents: Maria Grazia Rossi - anti-violence center "Freely"

For more information about meetings, download the free file. pdf: click here

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Doujin Moe Us Account

Mariapia Fanfani Four chat with the river

Mariapia Fanfani's website (click here )

The cultural exhibition Four chat with ... River, organized by the Library Bonetta of Pavia in collaboration with the Rowers Club Pavesi, continues in its calendar of interesting events planned for the 2010 season, fifth edition the event.

Next Thursday September 23 at 21 at the houseboat in the Rowers Club Borgo Basso, will welcome guest Mariapia Fanfani was born in Pavia, right in Borgo Ticino, widow of the famous political leader Amintore Fanfani, for the presentation of his autobiography "Lady do not stop ", published by Mondadori.

The evening will be an opportunity not only to trace the origins of the illustrious guest of Pavia, to learn about the important and long-term humanitarian activities Mariapia Fanfani, who has long been concerned with social problems by engaging in first person by the last service a constant international presence to promote the ideal of peace. Among the associations she founded to realize this type of activity include Help First, we for them, Together for Peace, Together for Peace, all dedicated to the collection and distribution of food and medicine to help people in various continents of the areas affected by situations war and poverty.

Leanti Constantine

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Masturnating Befire Your Period

Meet the Author: Vincenzo Andraous

Victims and perpetrators in the last book of Vincent Andraous

After the conclusion of the review Four main chat with ... , now end in May, the Library Bonetta of Pavia in early summer 2010 offers another interesting event directed to citizens and in particular to the general public willing to face a difficult and hot as the unwary.

part of the exhibition "Meeting with the author," next Tuesday, June 29 at 21 at the auditorium of Santa Maria Gualtieri in Victory Square, will host a debate entitled "In the society I win and you lose, "which takes its cue from the latest book by Vincent Andraous presentation entitled" Victims and perpetrators, all around are the indifferent, "published by the Editions of the House Young, of Pavia.

Along the author attended by the Mayor of Pavia Alessandro Cattaneo, the director of the diocesan weekly "Ticino" Don Franco Tassone Maria Teresa Zampogna criminal lawyer and the evening will be coordinated by the Library Constantine Leanti Bonetta.

Andraous Vincenzo, born in Catania in 1954, lives under the restriction of thirty-five years of probation and enjoying plays an important social and witness as a tutor of the House of Young, the writer pays attention to the major problems of contemporary social life and journalist in the pages of the newspaper Avvenire and some journals online: in his last work experience leads us to his authoritative analysis of issues of current interest such as youth bullying, the danger of drug addiction and the experience of prison.

Constantine Leanti

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nebosh Model Question Paper

Four chatter ... On the river 2010

fifth edition

* Thursday, June 3 at 21
Ermanno Rea. "The Po says"
part of the evening will be also presented "The memory of Po" by Elisa and Alessandra Sarchi Viola.

* Thursday, June 10 at 21
Angelo Vicini . Pierino Codevilla: Vogherese the "king of the tango." With the participation of Alberto
Greguoldo (sax) and Jane Smith (piano)

* Thursday, September 9 at 21
Giuseppe De Carli . Two Popes seen up close.

* Thursday, September 16 at 21
Meet Camogli. The Dragun. Travel in Argentina.

* Thursday, September 23 at 21
Mariapia Fanfani . Lady not stop: a service in the last bunting.

* Thursday, September 30 at 21
Emanuela Audisio . Samples against

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Post Wisdom Tooth Extraction

"In some ways"

Library Bonetta and Leeward organized for the month of May, seven meetings of poetry collected in the review "In some ways ... Pavia.
It began on May 4 with Distillery smuggling and the presence of the poet Dario Bertini, has proguito May 5 with The sfascicarrozze with Richard Raymond, 11 there was the reading of Anna Lamberti and 15 civilians Farepoesia with poetry readings.
Thursday, May 20 19 hours. Piazzeta San Marino , adjacency via S. Comi. With the collaboration of poetry and the library Take CLU is organized poetry more exciting duel of Pavia: the POETRY SLAM .

This year, after Sex, God and the refusal of the theme is that reference to our youth years, "the school".
briefly recall the rules: you have 5 minutes to speak on "school".

A mixed jury, technical and popular, will decide, based on the quality of the words and the exhibition, the poet laureate of the 2010 poetry slam.
the poet laureate will be offered as a gift rich libations designed to comfort him during the symposium and 50 euro voucher to spend CLU library.

Constantine Leanti

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How Long Do Newborns Need Gloves

Four chat with ... - Prospects for Ecumenism in a plural society

Paolo Colombo (European Director of the Ecumenical Center for Peace)
Lidia Maggi (Pastor of the Church of Valdese Lodi)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - h. 17:30

"ecumenical perspective in a plural society"
Presents: Monsignor Gianfranco Poma (biblical scholar)
University, Aula Volta

The need for ecumenical dialogue is becoming more urgent in our country. According to the 2007 Immigration Statistical Dossier Caritas, immigrants, Orthodox (918,000) exceeded in Italy, last year, the Catholics (685,000). For this reason, the Orthodox Patriarch of Romania has recently decided to establish the first Romanian diocese in Ladispoli Italian (Rome). The practical needs of daily life, such as interfaith marriages that start with sensitive issues that need answers are not easy, they represent a stimulus to dialogue between the Churches.

"The comparison today is more urgent than ever, especially because the churches together to address the issues of our time. In Sibiu, after the morning prayer in the tent placed at the center of the city, were held interfaith conferences and workshops on social issues, political, environmental, that have paid off handsomely, "says Paolo Colombo, director of the Ecumenical Center for European Peace. Ecumenism is a movement, born within the Protestant dagliinizi beginning of the twentieth century, aimed at bringing all Christians of different Churches and which, with the momentum in the early sixties by John XXIII, the Catholic Church actively involved.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tempary Import Permit Mexico

Miguel Angel Martin, CNM and Paris

24 to March 28, 2010 Miguel Angel Martin has exhibited three of his works at the Paris Exhibition of Contemporary Drawing. One of the three works on display that was made for No More Children .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2008 Stock Scion Tc Tail Lights

"The capital invisible." Pavia hidden in books. Four

"The capital invisible

Pavia, the capital of the kingdom of the Lombards, Pavia, flourishing community, Pavia, the battlefields of Europe, Pavia, the capital of academic and scientific culture for centuries.

The city, sometimes against its will, it has had to play the role of the center of a state or character of a cultural project, also known, and perhaps wanted to hide the traces of that time and those to come, wrapping them in the fog and mist in the winters and summers in the plains.

Only those who seek to discover the capital that can not be seen.
will find it not only in the streets and facades, but the encounter alive and present between the lines, in books and archives, which have retained a memory trace sensitive ink.

The exhibition 'The capital invisible' addresses to trace the call to Pavia moments in history when the city was the center of the political economic cultural : the Lombard period, the time of common, the battle of Pavia, the university in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The speakers will talk about books and documents, letting the story to tell, that the sites come back to say what they have hidden for centuries, with modesty and discretion.

Constantine Leanti

Calendar of meetings :

May 7, 2010
Aldo sect - "Paul Deacon and invisible capital"
Enzo Barbieri - "False Pavia documents of lombard. Deception or memory recovery? "

May 13, 2010
Majocchi Piero -" Caput mundi imperialis. The memory of the capital in the Middle Ages "
Maria Teresa Mazzilli -" San Michele asked for a capital "

May 19, 2010
Galandra Marco -" The Battle of Pavia: facts, books, documents "
Luisa Grass - "The Park Visconti"

May 27, 2010
Mazzarello Paul - "Alessandro Volta. A major player in science and lounges "
Franca Lavezzi -" By the sword pen: the short career of Foscolo Pavia

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How Long Does Robaxin Stay In Your System?

chat with ... Silvia Finzi Vegetti

Silvia Finzi Vegetti (clinical psychologist and writer)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 - h. 17.30

"New new grandparents to grandchildren"
Presents: Maria Assunta Zanetti (Professor of Psychology of Development and Education)
University, Aula Scarpa

New new grandparents to grandchildren . The generation that has sixty-eight, and it was thought that eternally young, is now addressing the role of grandmother / grandfather, and does so with enthusiasm, creativity and generosity that have marked his youth. But even the grandparents are no longer those young at a time because the grandchildren today, asking them new ways of living together. From these findings begins the book by Silvia Vegetti Finzi, who became grandparents to tell of a different culture, age and geographic area, how they deal with every day Their role, which they derive satisfaction and the difficulties encountered with their grandchildren and their families. So chapters which deals with more general topics ("Grandparents of yesterday and today," "The favorite grandchild," "If the grandmother is the mother of the mom or dad", etc.) followed by chapters in which the famous child psychologist draw a series of "profiles" of the grandparents of the millennium. The book is a window on the way it is experienced the "grandparents", for centuries considered marginal and instead become essential in today's society.

Silvia Finzi Vegetti , professor of psychology at the University dynamic of Pavia, he worked as psychotherapy for family problems and child. Collaborate with "Corriere della Sera" and the major women's magazines. Among his books with Mondadori, "History of Psychoanalysis" (1986), "Children of the Night" (1990), "The novel of the family" (1992) and "When the parents split up" (2005), along with Anna Maria Battistin "small steps" (1994), "Children have changed" (1996), "The age of uncertainty" (2000).

Monday, April 26, 2010

How To Rebuild A Retaining Wall

No More Children in Palazzo Valentini - Samuel

pencils against child abuse

13 to 25 May 2010
Egon Von Furstenberg room
Via IV Novembre, 119 / a - ROMA
HOURS: Monday - Friday 10:00 to 19:00
Saturday 10:00 to 13:00 Sunday closed
AT 18.00
under the patronage of the Province of Rome

From 13 to 25 May at Palazzo Valentini in Rome, you can visit the exhibition Children No More - pencils against child abuse , Dezi and curated by Alessandro Fiorenza Karibu Filippi on behalf of the humanitarian non-profit organization with the intention to denounce all forms of violence exerted on children through the exhibition of 139 plates of illustrations and comics. Convinced that the balloon represents one of the languages \u200b\u200bof communication closer to the world of children, the Association and the curators have chosen this method of representation of the phenomenon to increase in the youth population, to awareness of rights and abuses, by-passing the intermediary of the adult world, authors of the violations. The participating artists (major national and international names from the world of comics) are proposed, through their works, to raise public awareness on the serious problem exists: the denial and violation of children's rights. The entire corpus of the exhibition is a social protest in the round. Each table describes a single, tragic moment of juvenile violence, and at the same time, built into a wider context and the overall degradation of civic consciousness, of human nature. During the tour you will see tables that describe the terrible reality of domestic violence on children, the cruelty of child abuse and subsequent, infamous child pornography business. There will be also illustrations that highlight the inhuman conditions of existence that push children - especially in developing nations - to accept the commodification of the body with the aberrant development of the practice of "sex tourism" and the work underpaid and exhausting. Finally, the exhibition invites reflection on the treacherous and conscious manipulation of the media on the malleable minds of young people more receptive, used child soldiers in the bloody armed conflicts on small mondoe half of them civilians. Of all the violence as possible, our Association has chosen to deal with, specifically, those concerning the world of children because they believe that their child of today is based balance of all the companies of tomorrow. The adult figure - even if parental - that carries out acts of violation, and undermines confidence in the future prospects of the child, condemned to a life of resignation, internal confusion and pain pr ofondo an adult who shall not balanced and certainly unhappy. The Association, along with all those who join the message Children No More , consider the heritage of humanity and calls for children in their care. The goal will not only be to the complaint but even a small contribution to the work of those who, for years, gets his hands dirty in the interests of the voiceless.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Whatfood Makes Your Voice Sweet

Four chat with ... Friendship Without Borders

Sunday Luciani (writer for boys)

Monday, April 19, 2010 - h. 11

"Friendship without frontiers"
Submitted by Fernando Rotondo (Professor of Literature for Children)
Hall Theatre Institute-San Giorgio

& Andrea Andrea is a book on Sunday and Roberto Luciani Luciani. It is an epistolary novel: the whole story is told in first person by the two protagonists, through their letters. Sunday Andrea wrote letters of Cologne, those of Robert Andrew of Florence. The correspondence covers a period of thirty months. The letters of the two boys more than tell a story, or rather two stories are intertwined, there are differences of life and lifestyle among their peers who live in different countries.

Sunday Luciani, born in Florence is an Italian writer of children's books. She holds a degree in Italian literature in addition to writing and also works as a translator from German texts of literature for children and teaches letters in high school, His work is primarily aimed at an audience of readers aged 10 to 14 years, although some of his works as "What will become of Ambrogino sbrodolone? the target age is lower. He won three times Bancarellino Prize in 1997 with "Secret Cinema" in 2000 with "Holiday in the cemetery and in 2003 with" stuff out of this world. "

Monday, March 8, 2010

Debt Follow Me To Australia

Poetry for the 'March 8 - International Women's Day

To you women who every day
You agree
able to demonstrate all the roles
even better to profess

that of mothers, wives and daughters without clothes undress

it recesses or hesitation
I deny the charge or if

has not to be thankful and to fail

spurs are to solicit

that S'abba yes
with you to draw straight lines
more ways that we
valiant sol 'arch

(Ignazio Gaetano Saglimbene)