Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Post Wisdom Tooth Extraction

"In some ways"

Library Bonetta and Leeward organized for the month of May, seven meetings of poetry collected in the review "In some ways ... Pavia.
It began on May 4 with Distillery smuggling and the presence of the poet Dario Bertini, has proguito May 5 with The sfascicarrozze with Richard Raymond, 11 there was the reading of Anna Lamberti and 15 civilians Farepoesia with poetry readings.
Thursday, May 20 19 hours. Piazzeta San Marino , adjacency via S. Comi. With the collaboration of poetry and the library Take CLU is organized poetry more exciting duel of Pavia: the POETRY SLAM .

This year, after Sex, God and the refusal of the theme is that reference to our youth years, "the school".
briefly recall the rules: you have 5 minutes to speak on "school".

A mixed jury, technical and popular, will decide, based on the quality of the words and the exhibition, the poet laureate of the 2010 poetry slam.
the poet laureate will be offered as a gift rich libations designed to comfort him during the symposium and 50 euro voucher to spend CLU library.

Constantine Leanti

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How Long Do Newborns Need Gloves

Four chat with ... - Prospects for Ecumenism in a plural society

Paolo Colombo (European Director of the Ecumenical Center for Peace)
Lidia Maggi (Pastor of the Church of Valdese Lodi)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 - h. 17:30

"ecumenical perspective in a plural society"
Presents: Monsignor Gianfranco Poma (biblical scholar)
University, Aula Volta

The need for ecumenical dialogue is becoming more urgent in our country. According to the 2007 Immigration Statistical Dossier Caritas, immigrants, Orthodox (918,000) exceeded in Italy, last year, the Catholics (685,000). For this reason, the Orthodox Patriarch of Romania has recently decided to establish the first Romanian diocese in Ladispoli Italian (Rome). The practical needs of daily life, such as interfaith marriages that start with sensitive issues that need answers are not easy, they represent a stimulus to dialogue between the Churches.

"The comparison today is more urgent than ever, especially because the churches together to address the issues of our time. In Sibiu, after the morning prayer in the tent placed at the center of the city, were held interfaith conferences and workshops on social issues, political, environmental, that have paid off handsomely, "says Paolo Colombo, director of the Ecumenical Center for European Peace. Ecumenism is a movement, born within the Protestant dagliinizi beginning of the twentieth century, aimed at bringing all Christians of different Churches and which, with the momentum in the early sixties by John XXIII, the Catholic Church actively involved.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tempary Import Permit Mexico

Miguel Angel Martin, CNM and Paris

24 to March 28, 2010 Miguel Angel Martin has exhibited three of his works at the Paris Exhibition of Contemporary Drawing. One of the three works on display that was made for No More Children .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2008 Stock Scion Tc Tail Lights

"The capital invisible." Pavia hidden in books. Four

"The capital invisible

Pavia, the capital of the kingdom of the Lombards, Pavia, flourishing community, Pavia, the battlefields of Europe, Pavia, the capital of academic and scientific culture for centuries.

The city, sometimes against its will, it has had to play the role of the center of a state or character of a cultural project, also known, and perhaps wanted to hide the traces of that time and those to come, wrapping them in the fog and mist in the winters and summers in the plains.

Only those who seek to discover the capital that can not be seen.
will find it not only in the streets and facades, but the encounter alive and present between the lines, in books and archives, which have retained a memory trace sensitive ink.

The exhibition 'The capital invisible' addresses to trace the call to Pavia moments in history when the city was the center of the political economic cultural : the Lombard period, the time of common, the battle of Pavia, the university in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The speakers will talk about books and documents, letting the story to tell, that the sites come back to say what they have hidden for centuries, with modesty and discretion.

Constantine Leanti

Calendar of meetings :

May 7, 2010
Aldo sect - "Paul Deacon and invisible capital"
Enzo Barbieri - "False Pavia documents of lombard. Deception or memory recovery? "

May 13, 2010
Majocchi Piero -" Caput mundi imperialis. The memory of the capital in the Middle Ages "
Maria Teresa Mazzilli -" San Michele asked for a capital "

May 19, 2010
Galandra Marco -" The Battle of Pavia: facts, books, documents "
Luisa Grass - "The Park Visconti"

May 27, 2010
Mazzarello Paul - "Alessandro Volta. A major player in science and lounges "
Franca Lavezzi -" By the sword pen: the short career of Foscolo Pavia

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How Long Does Robaxin Stay In Your System?

chat with ... Silvia Finzi Vegetti

Silvia Finzi Vegetti (clinical psychologist and writer)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 - h. 17.30

"New new grandparents to grandchildren"
Presents: Maria Assunta Zanetti (Professor of Psychology of Development and Education)
University, Aula Scarpa

New new grandparents to grandchildren . The generation that has sixty-eight, and it was thought that eternally young, is now addressing the role of grandmother / grandfather, and does so with enthusiasm, creativity and generosity that have marked his youth. But even the grandparents are no longer those young at a time because the grandchildren today, asking them new ways of living together. From these findings begins the book by Silvia Vegetti Finzi, who became grandparents to tell of a different culture, age and geographic area, how they deal with every day Their role, which they derive satisfaction and the difficulties encountered with their grandchildren and their families. So chapters which deals with more general topics ("Grandparents of yesterday and today," "The favorite grandchild," "If the grandmother is the mother of the mom or dad", etc.) followed by chapters in which the famous child psychologist draw a series of "profiles" of the grandparents of the millennium. The book is a window on the way it is experienced the "grandparents", for centuries considered marginal and instead become essential in today's society.

Silvia Finzi Vegetti , professor of psychology at the University dynamic of Pavia, he worked as psychotherapy for family problems and child. Collaborate with "Corriere della Sera" and the major women's magazines. Among his books with Mondadori, "History of Psychoanalysis" (1986), "Children of the Night" (1990), "The novel of the family" (1992) and "When the parents split up" (2005), along with Anna Maria Battistin "small steps" (1994), "Children have changed" (1996), "The age of uncertainty" (2000).