Friday, November 19, 2010

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Four chat with ... Marco Delfiol

Marco Delfiol writer talks to Paolo Papotti researcher
Thursday, December 2, 2010 10:30 am - Cairoli Institute
"Travel InterRail in "
Europe and how to find themselves in a few weeks
Coordinator: Gloria Ghioni - blogger" CriticaLetteraria "

From Morocco to the North Cape If your goal is not only a goal , but crossing places and meet new people, take your time and do not leave home without this guide. Ten train routes in Europe - from Scandinavia to the Iberian Peninsula, from Eastern Europe to the Balkans (with two raids in exotic Morocco and Turkey) - and all the tips and information that you should know before you travel: how InterRail does, the chief among the cheap tickets for trains, such as a backpack and tent to choose, but also how to find the best places to spend the night or those with little to eat and have fun.

Delfiol Marco was born in Florence in 1975. Coordinator of the site, is director of the "Travel and Freedom", which promotes travel traveling as a tool for understanding and peaceful coexistence among peoples. Photographer reportage, concerts and live events, he published the book "Air Theseus. History of an airline Florentine "(Gan Editions).

Paolo Papotti was born in Rome in 1978. In 1997 he founded, the largest Italian site dedicated to independent travel. Author of novels and short stories, including "D414" (Fernandel) and "Like when the train moves" (Messenger Publishing), lives in Rome where he worked as a researcher at the University Roma Tre.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Businessweek Or Economist

Four chat with ... Don Gallo

Don Andrea Gallo founder of the Community of St. Benedict according to the Port
Thursday, November 18, 2010 17:30 - Loft 10 Square Cavagnero
"on earth as in heaven"
Its cathedral is the way, its teachers, prostitutes, bums, toxic Presents: Don Franco Tassone - pastor of St. Mauro

on earth as in heaven The Gospel according to John Gallo - Don Andrea Gallo, the priest from the sidewalk decades working with and for the last and resumed his personal stories collected in " angelically anarchist." Through the stories and meetings that punctuate her days take a position on liberalization of drugs, concerning the illegal immigrants, on the hypocrisy of politicians, the state of abandonment faced by the psychiatric cases on the issue of living wills after the meeting with Beppino Englaro, signing the deed to purchase land in Vicenza and prevent the expansion of U.S. base on the financing of the timing of viados Genoa big and small stories of prostitutes, transsexuals, victims of trafficking, drug addicts, and homeless crazy people passing in his shabby vicarage. Stories often a happy ending, often tragic, but rare human consistency.

Don Andrea Gallo, a priest since 1959, has for decades worked in Genoa and the latter, the dispossessed, the marginalized, exceeded the age of 80, after "Angelica anarchist" (2005), today presents "So in the earth, as in heaven, "the stories, encounters and reflections of a past life always on the side of the weakest. Since 1975 is organized and run by the Community of St. Benedict according to the Port, a group of border intervention and specialized care for people with mental and physical situations, promoter and co-founder, in 1982, with the Gruppo Abele Don Luigi Ciotti of CNCA - National Coordination host communities.

Friday, November 5, 2010

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Four chat with ... Ettore Mo

Ettore Mo special correspondent of the Corriere della Sera ", author
Thursday, 11 November 2010 17 hours , 30 - Loft 10 Square Cavagnero
"Far from here"
Stories of ordinary pain from the periphery of the world
Presents: Linda Lucini - journalist

Going away from here the places from which he took his first steps as a correspondent, the author guides the reader to the dark side of the earth. He is accompanied by an exciting excursion to show the darker dramas of humanity: the poor people of Monrovia to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve to the cemetery, drinking, eating and sleeping next to the graves of the dead, many Mexican immigrants that chasing the dream America will reach the legs are cut off from freight trains, and the inhabitants of La Oroya wrapped in an apocalyptic dust of lead, zinc, arsenic and sulfur emitted by the "Foundry of death" at the center of town, the massacre of civilians in the Tamil land, the shantytowns of Caracas and the terror of the Cuban Revolution of children fleeing from reality, impoverished and without an escape. Told in first person, halfway between memoir and reportage, "Far from here" is the painful and moving account of a lifetime devoted to the trip that ended with a great lesson: the blood shed on the battlefields of course it never gets better of history, until it changes the hearts of those who fight.

Ettore Mo for twenty years has been special correspondent of the Corriere della Sera ", and continues to travel the world in search of stories to tell. Rizzoli has published the "dirty war", "Gulag and other hells", "Kabul", "The Forgotten" (all available in Bur), "Trains," "Rivers" and "But even melancholy.